A place to discuss aswell as share thoughts, openions, ideas, and information. The range of Topics will be from the trivial to the serious.The goal is to help myself aswell as others understand the people and world around us. To EVOLVE THE MIND.

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The Tone. I will be setting a tone for all main topics and a majority of the sub topics and ask that all users making topics do the same when they see fit. This giving moderators things to watch for to make sure the posts are relivant to the topic. The tone will range from Casual conversation-Discussion-Debate. Casual Conversation-Topics pertaining to the informal exchange of ideas. Discussion-Topics typically made in order to reach a decision or exchange of ideas. Debate- Topics in which opposing arguements are put forward. No Bullies: If you have to ask you prob shouldnt be here. The moderators will be keeping the tone in mind to determan when bullying is taking place. They will give warnings to offenders to many warnings @ moderators discression will result in a Temporary Ban. Extreme Violations will be put on a permanent Block without warning. Whether you agree with the person, compleatly oppose or indiffrent. if you cannot respect the views of other users then we will not respect yours. Please dont make mods give warnings over things you can controle. If you dont like the views of a person simply scroll by and dont read their posts. ABSOLUTELY NO GOSSIP of matters concering anyones personal life. If you own/oporate a social media site (blog,twitter,skype,facebook,tout ect.) thats great please add this information to your user profile. If you find any of the topics relating to personal intelectual property you have already posted on said sites Please copy and paste the text and link the related media only. if the content you are wanting to share is not of your own intelectual property please feel free to "" and link all that relates at will. This is to keep your thoughts your own and others seprate.